Travel system that can be easily mounted on Nuna strollers thanks to the adapters Lightweight and robust shell with integrated EPP foam for maximum impact energy absorption upon impact The carrycot allows for full recline, the best position to support the development of the spine. Handle adjustable in 3 positions Canopy with full UV 50+ protection, with additional mesh panel for maximum comfort in all seasons The 3-point belt ensures a safe journey by keeping the child fixed in the safety area of the body The inserts in organic jersey keep the newborn protected and well supported. As the child grows up, they can be easily removed Mattress in organic jersey Base installation with True Lock™ takes 5 seconds and makes installation quick, easy and secure, using the car's ISOFIX anchor points Collapse zone inside the support leg that absorbs shock and minimizes the force of impact towards the child The resilient and shock-absorbing plastic keeps your child safe. 13 ISOFIX positions allow for customized installation on the vehicle seat Precious natural fiber in GOTS™ organic cotton. The mattress cover and top cover are machine washable Weighs only 3.6kg
Unico Plus Air dihomologasi sebagai Gr. 0+/1/2/3 (0-36 kg), menurut ECE R44/04. Kursi mobil seumur hidup. Ini adalah car seat Chicco pertama yang menemani si kecil sejak lahir hingga 12 tahun. Ini menawarkan kombinasi sempurna antara keamanan, kenyamanan dan kemudahan.
INSTALASI Di Grup 0+ Anda dapat memilih untuk memasang jok mobil dengan Isofix dan Top Tether, untuk menawarkan keamanan terbaik atau dengan konektor Isofix dan sabuk 3 titik. Pada Grup 1 dan Grup 23 harus selalu dipasang dengan konektor Isofix dan sabuk 3 titik.
SISTEM KESELAMATAN SAMPING Untuk memastikan keamanan terbaik jika terjadi benturan lateral.
KELOMPOK 0+ (0-13KG) Untuk menjamin keserbagunaan terbaik, di Gr. 0+ Unico Plus Air dapat dipasang dengan konektor Isofix dan Top Tether atau dengan konektor Isofix dan sabuk kendaraan 3 titik.
KELOMPOK 1 (9-18KG) Setelah berat bayi 9kg, car seat dapat dipasang dengan konfigurasi menghadap ke depan untuk mengikuti pertumbuhan bayi hingga sekitar 4 tahun (9-18kg). Berkat sistem pengaman 5 titik yang terintegrasi, bayi aman dan dapat bepergian dengan aman sepenuhnya.
GRUP 2/3 (15-25KG / 22-36KG) Berkat sandaran kepala yang dapat disesuaikan, kursi mobil menemani anak dalam perjalanan pertumbuhan sejak 12 tahun. Kursi anak dan kursi mobil diamankan dengan sabuk kendaraan 3 titik.
SISTEM BERPUTAR Berkat pegangan depannya, kursi dapat diputar agar mudah berpindah dari posisi menghadap ke belakang ke posisi menghadap ke depan.
KOLEKSI UDARA Berikan kepada anak pengalaman bepergian dalam bantalan udara berkat sisipan Jaring 3D khusus di tempat yang paling dibutuhkan anak!
FIT-KIT Berkat indikasi yang mudah dibaca pada produk, cara menggunakan kursi mobil di setiap langkah sangat jelas, sehingga memberikan kesesuaian yang sempurna di setiap tahap.
•Cocok untuk anak sejak lahir hingga berat 36kg, kira-kira sejak lahir hingga usia 12 tahun •Disetujui oleh Standar Keamanan Eropa ECE R44/04 untuk Grup 0/1/2/3 •Pemasangan harus dilakukan dengan konektor IS
Product Size (W x D x H): 18.5 x 19.7 x 27.6 inches (47 x 50 x 70 cm) (When reclined) / Maximum Width 18.5 x Depth 27.6 x Height 23.6 inches (47 x 70 x 60 cm) ( Includes removable canopy 4 adjustable reclining levels Seat Belt Fastening Large canopy cuts out the sun! Recommended Age: 0 months and up
Joie Meet Stages Child Restraint Gray Flannel Car Seat dapat digunakan dari bayi usia 0 s/d 7 tahun dengan berat maksimal 25 kg.
Fitur :
Posisi duduk dapat diatur sebanyak 4 posisi 5 titik safety harness dengan penjepit di bahu 5 posisi headrest untuk kenyamanan anak anda Perlindungan dampak samping Dengan kursi lebar dan empuk, termasuk bantalan nya dapat dilepas untuk baby baru lahir Dengan kain kualitas unggul yang dapat dilepas dan dicuci Dapat digunakan di hampir semua kursi mobil Kursi mobil 0+/1 kursi mobil dimulai sebagai kursi bayi menghadap ke belakang Untuk yang 1 tahun ke atas bisa menghadap kedepan Berat : 6 kg #joie #joiebaby #joieindonesia #carseatmurah #onlinebabyshop #distributorjoie #joiemurah #originaljoie #tokojoie #officialjoie #carseat #babyshop #joiestages #grey #sweetmomshop
Say hello « to Joie's backless booster seat, i-Chapp™. Keep your big kid safe and boosted with the i-Size compliant backless booster seat that lifts them up to keep the lap and shoulder belt perfectly positioned across their growing bodies.
Group 2/3 car seat ️Suitable forward facing from 15-36kg ️Side impact protection provides added security for the head, body and hips ️Guard Surround Safety panels add extra layers of side protection ️One-hand, 7 position height adjustable headrest accommodates children of all sizes ️Breatheable fabrics ️Removable, machine washable covers ️Memory foam cushion provides added comfort and security ️Padded arm rests ️2 tuckaway cupholders hold little one's essentials 1 Year Warranty against manufacturing defects
Dimensions: l 39cm x w 55cm x h 69-84cm Product Weight: 5kg Testing Certification: ECE R44/04
Kelompok 1/2/3 kursi mobil . Cocok menghadap ke depan dari 9-36kg . Perlindungan benturan samping memberikan keamanan tambahan untuk kepala, tubuh, dan pinggul . Satu tangan, 10 posisi sandaran kepala yang dapat disesuaikan ketinggiannya . Sistem sandaran kepala dan sabuk pengaman Grow Together ™ dapat disetel secara bersamaan dan tidak perlu memasang kembali tali pengaman . Sarung yang bisa dilepas dan bisa dicuci dengan mesin . Sisi jala berventilasi . Cupholder terintegrasi menampung kebutuhan si kecil . Jalur penginstalan yang ditandai dengan baik dan berkode warna . Instalasi mudah dengan perangkat pengunci
Group 0+/1/2/3 car seatSuitable rearward facing from birth to 18kg/4 yeara Suitable forward facing from 9kg to 36kg/12 years 6 recline positions: 2 rear facing and 4 forward Facing Easy installation with ISOFIX and top tether when using in forward facing group 1 mode Side impact protection provides added security for the head, body, and Hips Guard Surround Safety panels provide extra side protection and fold into seat when not in useOne-hand, 10 position height adjustable Headrest Autoadjust side wings widen as headrest is raised to accommodate growing children Reinforced steel inner seat shell increases structural integrity 3 piece flexible insert system includes an infant head support, infant body support, and infant wedge all customisable for the ultimate fit at every stage
Grow Together multi-height headrest and harness system adjust simultaneously and require no re-threading of Harness Custom Harness Hideaway compartments store the 5-point harness when using as a Group 2/3 Booster Plush, deluxe cushioning and Fabrics Built in side Ventilation Side, mesh storage pockets for childs must-have travel item Well marked, colour-coded installation Paths Dual lock-offs for installing with vehicles 3-point seat belt Baby soft 5-point harness with shoulder and lower buckle Covers One pull motion easily tightens the 5-point harness
FEATURES 1. Sleek and timeless design that grows with your child, even as their style changes through the years. 2. Red Dot Product Design Winner 2021 3. iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 4. Premium i-Size protection for your peace of mind from 100 -150cm 5. Energy absorbing EPP foam and SIP pods take side impact security to the next level 6. Attaching the side impact protection pod creates an additional safety zone to protect your child. It works with the integrated foam to absorb energy earlier and significantly reduce the force of impact. 7. 3D growth system: Grow up | one-hand, 17 position height adjustable headrest 8. 3D growth system: Grow out | shoulder system works simultaneously with the headrest, expanding out while growing up 9. 3D growth system: Grow on | seat sports 3 depths giving growing legs plenty of support and space 10. Customizable recline creates the most comfortable position for your child. 11. Belt positioner aids in correct shoulder belt routing that is safe and easy 12. Coloured belt path indicators help decrease risk of user error 13. Isofix attachment easily secure car seat to vehicle seat during use or transport. 14. Soft, snug, and cool. This natural, luxe fabric will keep your child comfortable throughout every journey. SPECIFICATIONS RECOMMENDED USE: Child height: 100–150 cm Complies with European standard: ECE R129/03 Factory certified ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 WEIGHT: 6.70 kg DIMENSIONS: L 43-70 x W 45-57 x H 64-85 cm
Smart design: - Super comfortable for baby. Premium i-Size protection for your peace of mind. - No re-thread, three-point harness works with one hand to effortlessly fit growing riders for maximum security. - 13 ISOFIX positions allow a custom fit on your vehicle seat. - Crumple zone within the stability leg absorbs impact and minimizes force to baby. - Infant inserts keep them snug and supported. When baby outgrows, they easily remove. - Dream drape™ pulls down smoothly and attaches quietly with magnets. Because nothing beats a -lovely, uninterrupted nap. - Compatible with all Nuna pushchairs. - Lightweight, protective and portable. Only 2.8 kg* - Five-second, True lock™ base installation makes set up swift, simple and secure, using vehicle’s - ISOFIX anchor points. - Side impact protection for ultimate peace of mind. - Patented Tailor tech™ memory foam within the removable infant insert headrest provides a custom fit. - One-hand, 7 position height adjustable headrest. - TUV aircraft certified to travel everywhere. And beyond.
*Features REVV easily spins 360° for rear and forward facing riding from one simple installation.
A smooth ride in both function and fashion, the REVV features sleek lines and contemporary contours. No rough edges here.
10 total positions. Choose from five recline positions each way they're facing.
Aeroflex™ side impact protection system, and EPP energy absorbing foam takes security to the next level.
Carefully curated high-performance materials including all steel frame, super resilient top of the line plastics, and feather weight micro knit fabrics
rear-facing convertible | Birth to 2+ years, with vehicle belt: 5-40 lbs., with lower anchor belt: 5-30lbs., 43 in or less.
forward-facing convertible | At least 2 years old, with vehicle belt: 25-40 lbs., with lower anchor belt: 25-30 lbs., 43 in or less.
Product Dimension: 21.5 to 22.5” L x 18.5” W x 22.5 to 29.5“H | Range varies based on recline and headrest position
Nuna Rava Convertible Car Seat 2020 adalah kursi mobil convertible dengan pemasangan yang lebih mudah dan tingkat keamana yang lebih baik. The 2020 Nuna RAVA dibuat dengan kain yang dicampur dengan poliester dan bambu, serat alami yang menyerap kelembaban yang membantu menjaga anak Anda lebih dingin di musim panas dan lebih hangat di musim dingin. Selain itu, bambu memiliki manfaat tambahan sebagai antibakteri, hipoalergenik, dan ramah lingkungan, semuanya super lembut dan nyaman untuk anak Anda. . Dimulai dengan versi 2020, Nuna RAVA adalah satu-satunya kursi mobil yang dapat dikonversi di pasaran tanpa bahan kimia penghambat api tambahan. Menurut sebuah studi tahun 2018 oleh program Healthy Stuff dari Pusat Ekologi nirlaba, 80 persen kursi mobil yang diuji mengandung bahan kimia tambahan yang telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai efek kesehatan dan masalah lingkungan. Sementara paparan penghambat belum secara langsung berkorelasi dengan kondisi kesehatan, beberapa ahli khawatir bahwa bahan kimia di kursi mobil dapat rusak dan memungkinkan anak-anak menyentuh atau menghirup racun berbahaya. . Rekomendasi Usia * Menghadap ke belakang: 2.5–22 kg (disarankan penggunaan hingga usia minimal 2 tahun) * Menghadap ke depan: 11–29 kg (disarankan penggunaan 2 tahun atau lebih) Keunggulan * Simply secure installation * Indikator jalur sabuk berwarna membantu mengurangi risiko kesalahan penggunaan * Tanpa re-thread, harness 5 titik bekerja dengan satu tangan agar pas dengan pengendara yang tumbuh dengan mudah untuk keamanan maksimum Spesifikasi * Dimensi: 25 "H x 16" L x 19 "W * Berat: 12 kg * Bahan pada kursi terbuat dari poliester dan bambu Rekomendasi Perawatan * Bantalan kursi mudah dibersihkan: cuci mesin pada suhu dingin. Jangan gunakan abrasive atau pemutih * Plastik dan tali pengikat: bersihkan dengan lap yang kering
Nuna Rava Convertible Car Seat 2024 adalah kursi mobil convertible dengan pemasangan yang lebih mudah dan tingkat keamana yang lebih baik. The 2024 Nuna RAVA dibuat dengan kain yang dicampur dengan poliester dan bambu, serat alami yang menyerap kelembaban yang membantu menjaga anak Anda lebih dingin di musim panas dan lebih hangat di musim dingin. Selain itu, bambu memiliki manfaat tambahan sebagai antibakteri, hipoalergenik, dan ramah lingkungan, semuanya super lembut dan nyaman untuk anak Anda. . Dimulai dengan versi 2024, Nuna RAVA adalah satu-satunya kursi mobil yang dapat dikonversi di pasaran tanpa bahan kimia penghambat api tambahan. Menurut sebuah studi tahun 2018 oleh program Healthy Stuff dari Pusat Ekologi nirlaba, 80 persen kursi mobil yang diuji mengandung bahan kimia tambahan yang telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai efek kesehatan dan masalah lingkungan. Sementara paparan penghambat belum secara langsung berkorelasi dengan kondisi kesehatan, beberapa ahli khawatir bahwa bahan kimia di kursi mobil dapat rusak dan memungkinkan anak-anak menyentuh atau menghirup racun berbahaya. . Rekomendasi Usia * Menghadap ke belakang: 2.5–22 kg (disarankan penggunaan hingga usia minimal 2 tahun) * Menghadap ke depan: 11–29 kg (disarankan penggunaan 2 tahun atau lebih) Keunggulan * Simply secure installation * Indikator jalur sabuk berwarna membantu mengurangi risiko kesalahan penggunaan * Tanpa re-thread, harness 5 titik bekerja dengan satu tangan agar pas dengan pengendara yang tumbuh dengan mudah untuk keamanan maksimum Spesifikasi * Dimensi: 25 "H x 16" L x 19 "W * Berat: 12 kg * Bahan pada kursi terbuat dari poliester dan bambu Rekomendasi Perawatan * Bantalan kursi mudah dibersihkan: cuci mesin pada suhu dingin. Jangan gunakan abrasive atau pemutih * Plastik dan tali pengikat: bersihkan dengan lap yang kering
BABYZEN YOYO+ 0+ Newborn Pack (NEWBORN PACK ONLY, tidak termasuk rangka)
From birth, install the 0+ newborn pack on the frame, which allows you to lay your baby completely flat, facing you, always within your sight.
The 0+ newborn pack has been designed to give your baby maximum comfort, thanks to its soft, cozy nest pad, specially designed to accommodate newborns.
With this version, YOYO2 folds and unfolds with one hand, with your child in your arms.
Features and benefits Product:
Folds into an ultra compact single element
Reinforced mattress which lies completely flat
Head support and foot cover
5-point harness
Pop-up hood with 2 different opening positions
Anti-UV fabric (UPF 50+) treated with waterproofing
Folded cabin baggage* dimensions
* Cabin luggage standards may vary depending on the airline, we recommend checking with your carrier for the latest applicable cabin luggage allowance.
Detail: Fully reclined newborn nest with a 5 point harness Pop-Up canopy with 3 positions Head support
BABYZEN iZi Go Modular by BeSafe in Black with YOYO+ Car Seat Adapters
Designed to be a real cocoon for your baby the, with a special focus on safety, comfort, and practicality. Blending French BABYZEN design with Scandinavian BeSafe safety, this car seat is the perfect solution for easily transporting your newborn while keeping him/her safe.
Whether you are driving a car, taking a taxi, or a friend is dropping you off in town, worrying what to do with your car seat when you leave the vehicle is no longer an issue. Connect it to your YOYO+ stroller in just two clicks. Now you can go for a walk or a ride while baby rests quietly in his/her seat, safely snuggled in his/her little nest.
In the car, BABYZEN iZi Go Modular by BeSafe is placed rearward-facing and is easy to install using an ISOfix base or a seatbelt.
When you leave the car, clip the car seat onto your stroller frame using the included YOYO+ adapters. The car seat clicks into place easily, without needing to remove the stroller's fabric covers.
And because security and comfort should never rule out aesthetics, our car seat comes in black and grey, to perfectly match your YOYO+ stroller's many colours.
Do I need a base?
You will need to purchase the BeSafe iZi Modular Base i-Size (sold separately), install the base in your car and click the car seat into the base - the car seat can also be installed using a 3 point seat belt. This interchangeable base can be used withboth the iZi Go Modular and iZi Modular car seats - so when your little one gets older, you won't need to purchase another base!
Features BeSafe iZi Modular i-size car seat:
Suitable from birth to approximately 12 months
Max weight 13kg; max. height 105 cm
Complies with European standard i-Size
Appropriate body size: 40 - 75 cm
Direction Backward
Rollbar is ergonomic, can be comfortably worn on the arm
Extra large sunroof, protects against direct sun rays
Breathable sunroof, including UV protection (50+)
Covers are washable at 30°C
Gurtassistent magnetic, so you can put your baby especially comfortable in the baby seat without the belts slipping in the carrycot
Extra flat buckle
Car seat offers a particularly high level of comfort
At the beginning suited the small seat insert for newborns, can later be easily removed
Approved by: UN R 129 (i-Size)
Installation: 3-point belt or Isofix base (additional available )
This model in pursuit of safety and comfort of the baby is made to the ideal posture, rotary child seat of Aprica to protect the healthy growth of the baby in three steps. DX model has the flex Shade STD, with the hip inner sheet STD. Steadily four years important to growth, protects gently firm.
It can used along with growth of child, and choice depending on the situations. Patented with "New 3-Step"During the newborn period, use Lay-flat position that does not impair breathing and gives less stress on Baby's neck. After the neck gets stable, you can freely use it in either of lay-flat or upright position depending on the situation. It can be changed to forward-facing position if Baby's body weight reaches 9kg.
European security standard (ECE-R44/04)
Full-reclining (PAT) The bed structure allows the Baby to sleep in a natural position, will not cause airway blockage or impair abdominal breathing.
Thermo Medical System (Ventilation) For Babies who have higher body temperature than adults, so we have adopted a structure of our own that releases the heat within the product body for Baby's comfort.
Body Cushion has 3 layers: 3D Mesh, BreathAir, 3DMesh. It will prevent the heat and moist held in the buttocks and thighs areas. It's easily detached and washed. Good up to 4 years old.
Sunshade flex canopee STD Protects your baby from UV.
Hip inner sheet STD
Single-Touch Rotating Seat Even in the limited space in the car, the seat can be easily rotated with the hand. It's very convenient when loading/ unloading because you can rotate the seat while holding the Baby in your arm.
Light Weight & Compact Body Fladea is the smallest and lightest in the class.
Easy Blet Lock System It can be firmly with one lock, and it can be installed on either left or right seat. The seat belt is routed the front side of the shell, it is easy to install with good view.
Smooth Rotation Lever It is designed so the rotation lever is rotated at the back of the seat so that the food and sands would not go in the lever. It prevents the causes for malrotation.
Miss-use Prevention System It rotates only at the proper reclining angles. It is designed to prevent miss-use.
Sure to Use Load Leg The seat is designed so it cannot be installed if the all-in-one load leg is stored. It will prevent the users to forget using the load leg that is essential for safety.
Product size: Lay-flat position: W765×D630×H537(mm) Product Weight: 14.1kg
For the child from 50cm?100cm
Rear Facing: W450×D725?765×H605?665(mm)
Forward Facing: W450×D630×H675(mm)
Period of Use (by body weight): Lay-flat 2.5 to 9kg / Rear Facing after the neck gets stable up to 10kg / Forward-facing: 9 to 18kg
The lightweight and compact Coccoro convertible car seat is perfect for smaller fuel efficient vehicles. Three Coccoros can be used together in the back seat of most compact cars or two on the sides with room for an adult to sit in between them. With features like Tru-Safe™ Buckle, forward and rear-facing lock-offs, energy absorbing EPS foam, 4 position height adjustments and 5-point harness with padding, you can rest assured that your little one will be safe and secure. Weighing only 11 lbs, the Coccoro is significantly lighter than most comparable car seats, which means transporting will be a breeze. An added feature is the adjustable infant insert, keeping smaller children nice and snug. And, the single-pull adjustable harness system, shoulder belt retainers and washable seat cushion add convenience.
Product Features:
- 4.6KG ( Ultra light weight)
- Suitable for baby from newborn to 4 years old
- Supreme Side impact protecion
- HO-cooling and 3D mesh fabric on the seat cushion to ensure comfort of the child
- Ultra shock absorbent Egg Shock
- Lower seat design ( only 9.6cm height)
- Anti-Slipping Design to ensure easy and secured installation
- Staying at best position " Dacco " cushion and effective minimize the body stress to make child staying more relax by giving the comfortable seat position.
- Balance is the specal sharp of coccoro can fit in all car easily and low position seat make baby easy to sit no matter different size of car (small car)
Birth and Beyond Group 0+/1 car seat begins as a rear-facing infant seat, then grows with child and converts to a forward-facing seat
Side Impact Security Side impact protection provides wrap-around coverage for the head and upper body
Built To Last Uses solely top-of-the line components 100% manufactured in our state-of-the-art factory
Custom tested at our in-house, government-certified, advanced technology, crash test facility to ensure precision engineering
Group 0+/1 car seat Side Impact Security offers protection for precious cargo's head, lower back and hips Height adjustable shoulder harness makes fitting child a cinch Removable, washable fabric for convenient cleaning Padded harness cushions and lower buckle cover for baby’s comfort Well marked, colour-coded installation paths Dual lock-offs for installing with vehicle's 3-point inertia seat belt Gr. 0+
Begins as a rear-facing infant car seat for the tiniest riders Easy installation made possible with logical belt paths and dual lock-off devices 5-point harness system keeps baby secure Padded newborn pillow and body support with foam lift assist keeps small babies close to 5-point harness for added security Rear-facing recline for wee ones Gr. 1
Grows with child and converts to a forward-facing car seat 3 comfy forward-facing recline positions for growing riders
Model: C0902
Product Usage: Group 0+/1 birth to 18kg, approximately 0-4 years old
Product Weight: 6,1kg
Testing Certification: ECE. R44/04
Recommended Age: From Newborn to 18kg. (Approx 4 Years Old)
Egg0+ is car seat for the 0+ group lightweight (2 kg) yet rigid and comfortable. Its attachment system combines the vehicle’s seatbelt with an adjustable harness with five attachments points to keep baby safe during the trip. It can be adjusted with Emotion adaptors, turning it into a useful pushchair from birth to 36 months.
Egg0+ is car seat for the 0+ group lightweight (2 kg) yet rigid and comfortable. Its attachment system combines the vehicle’s seatbelt with an adjustable harness with five attachments points to keep baby safe during the trip. It can be adjusted with Emotion adaptors, turning it into a useful pushchair from birth to 36 months.