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Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.999.000Rp 3.999.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Memperkenalkan On The Go (OTG) Blanket!

Selimut OTG kami multifungsi bisa digunakan sebagai:
1. Selimut
2. Stroller Cover
3. Nursing Apron
4. Selimut Saat Menggendong

Size 75x90 CM
Selimut multifungsi dilengkapi dengan penutup kepala bayi.
Terdapat jepit pada sisi kiri kanan dengan karet fleksible yang dapat digunakan untuk menjepit stroller atau pada baju/ lengan baju penggendong pada saat menggendong bayi dengan menggunakan baby carrier atau hip seat.



Rp 225.000
Rp 165.000Rp 165.000


Perkenalkan gendongan yang simpel dan praktis - solusi terbaik untuk menggendong bayi tanpa repot!
Dengan desain instan dan fitur yang dapat disesuaikan, ucapkan selamat tinggal pada drama pemilihan ukuran yang salah. Gendongan serbaguna ini dirancang untuk mendukung posisi ergonomis, memastikan kenyamanan dan keamanan maksimal bagi bayi dan orang tua.

SIZE DETAIL / Diagonal dari Bahu ke Pinggang
REGULER SIZE (XTRA SMALL up to LARGE) - 52 cm to 60 cm
PLUS SIZE (XTRA LARGE up to 4XL) - 61 cm to 74 cm

Kelebihan Cozy Carrier

1. Bisa adjustable sehingga kamu akan mendapatkan size yang nyaman dan SNUG dalam menggendong buah hati
2. Terbuat dari material kain Katun Combed Premium yang breathable
3. Ergonomis dan mendukung posisi optimal bayi
4. Bisa dari bayi 3 bulan ke atas - 15 kg
5. Dilengkapi dengan design pundak yang membagi beban secara merata
6. Dengan bahan lacoste yang kuat dan kokoh, tidak mudah doyot
7. ⁠Warna yang sangat cantik dan design yang modis tetap membuatmu mudah mix and match dengan outfitmu!

Mengapa Mere et Moi adalah pilihan terbaikmu?
- Gendongan MeM didesign secara ergonomis dan mendukung postur tubuh bayi, sudah diakui International Hip Dysplasia Institute sebagai Hip Healthy Products.
- FREE Babywearing Konsultasi bersama Certified Babywearing Consultant SELAMANYA di whatsapp dan support berupa Video Learning, EBook tentang basic knowledge dalam babywearing.
- MeM sudah mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan seperti:
Brand Choice 2022, Indonesian Brand Champion 2023, Top 4 Entredev 2023 dan juga finalis AKI 2022
- MeM terpercaya dan memiliki kepuasan pelanggan yang tinggi

Jadikan kami partnermu dalam menggendong buah hati
Karena Mere et Moi, sehangat pelukan ibu

*Mohon konfirmasi terlebih dahulu untuk ketersediaan stock, warna dan ukuran untuk setiap barang yang akan dipesan, guna menghindari produk yang out of stock di toko kami.

Rp 275.000
Rp 150.000Rp 150.000

Mere et Moi Gen Two

Geos Gen Two
Gendongan Kaos dengan Bantalan Busa di Bahu sehingga Tidak Mudah Pegal dan Anti Ribet
Pemakaian sangat praktis seperti pemakaian kaos
Lebih mudah dibandingkan geos biasa

Kelebihan GEN TWO:
- Dilengkapi dengan BUSA DI BAHU, sehingga tidak mudah pegal
- Menyerap keringat dan lembut
- Mendukung M-SHAPE
- Bisa digunakan dari bayi 3 bulan ke atas ya
- Tahan hingga 15 kg
Cara pengukuran diagonal dari pundak kiri ke pinggang kanan / pundak kanan ke pinggang kiri (setinggi pusar)
Diagonal dari bahu ke pinggang (setinggi pusar)
XS 52-54 cm / melingkar 104-108 cm
S 55-56 cm / melingkar 110-112 cm
M 57-58 cm / melingkar 114-116 cm
L 59-60 cm / melingkar 118-120 cm
XL 61-62 cm / melingkar 122-124 cm

Jika menyukai gendong erat turun size 1
Jika menyukai gendong dilonggar naik size 1.
Jika untuk menyusui naik size 1

*Mohon konfirmasi terlebih dahulu untuk ketersediaan stock, warna dan ukuran untuk setiap barang yang akan dipesan, guna menghindari produk yang out of stock di toko kami.

Rp 275.000
Rp 190.000Rp 190.000

Memperkenalkan Ring Sling premium Mere et Moi - gendongan bayi terbaik untuk ibu modern yang mencari kenyamanan, kemudahan, dan gaya.
UKURAN 240 X 70 CM

Dibuat dengan cinta dan riset mendalam terhadap detail, Ring Sling kami terbuat dari bahan katun berkualitas tinggi yang breathable dan lembut.
Kainnya dipilih dengan cermat karena kelembutan, daya tahan, dan kemampuannya untuk memastikan aliran udara yang optimal, menjaga penggendong dan si kecil tetap sejuk dan nyaman dalam segala cuaca.

Dirancang untuk keserbagunaan, Ring Sling kami memungkinkan menggendong bayi dalam berbagai posisi untuk mengakomodasi pertumbuhan dan perubahan kebutuhannya. Dari posisi FACING IN depan untuk bayi baru lahir, hingga HIP CARRY atau BACK CARRY seiring bertambahnya usia, Ring Sling kami dengan mudah beradaptasi dengan tahap perkembangan bayi Anda. Mendukung posisi optimal bayi dan direkomendasikan langsung oleh beberapa certified babywearing consultant!

Menampilkan cincin aluminium tanpa celah dan bersertifikat SGS, Ring Sling kami menjamin keamanan dan penyesuaian yang luar biasa. Cincin dirancang khusus untuk memberikan cengkeraman yang aman pada kain, memastikan bayi Anda tetap nyaman dan ditopang sepanjang perjalanan babywearing Anda.

Namun Ring Sling kami tidak hanya praktis - ini juga merupakan fashion statement. Dengan koleksi pola, warna, dan desain yang trendi dan apik, Ring Sling kami memungkinkan Anda mengekspresikan gaya pribadi sambil menjaga bayi Anda tetap dekat. Apakah Anda sedang menuju jalan-jalan santai atau menghadiri acara sosial, Ring Sling kami dengan mudah melengkapi pakaian apa pun, membuat kamu terlihat cantik.

Hanya Ring Sling Mere et Moi yang menyediakan tali tambahan untuk berubah fungsi sebagai apron menyusui. Sehingga ib

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Soft, cool, and super cozy, this lightweight carrier is the sweetest way to stay connected from the start.

No complicated wrapping or tying involved, the Embrace keeps you and your baby close as you find your new rhythm together.

Cozy & Breathable - Aerated Pin Dot Knit with Soft Air Mesh on the shoulders and back panel for maximum breathability and comfort. Soft Air Mesh and vented back panels offer targeted breathability where it matters.
Cool & Dry - Wicking fabric pulls sweat away from you and your baby and dries quickly, keeping you both comfy, cool, and dry.
Simple - Easy buckling without the frustration of wrapping or excess fabric.
Comfortable - Supportive waist belt and stretchable cross straps.
Compact - Easily rolls and tucks into a diaper bag

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

rgobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

rgobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Coconi Breathable Hipseat Carrier / Gendongan Bayi Depan dapat di pakai dari bayi newborn hingga max 30kg. dapat di pakai 2 model yaitu model Sling/

Menyamping atau model Carrier / gendongan depan.

Gendongan Coconi di Rancang Modern dan khusus untuk mommy yang anti ribet, dan

tentunya nyaman untuk si kecil.

Keunggulan Produk :

- Model Multifungsi : Model Sling / menyamping , Carrier Tanpa Hipseat ( NEWBORN ) / gendongan depan , Carrier dengan Hipseat / Gendongan dudukan

- Dilengkapi dengan Hipseat / gendongan dudukan bayi

- Tali bahu yang empuk, lebar dan dapat di atur sesuai kebutuhan

- Didesain agar mengurangi beban pada bahu dan pinggang saat menggendong bayi

- dilengkapi dengan fitur double safety, Velcro dan safety buckle

- Bahan Breathable, tidak panas jika dipakai seharian

- Bahan kokoh, menggendong bayi menjadi lebih stabil

- Terdapat 2 kantong di bagian samping kiri dan kanan

- Hipseat yang dapat di buka dan diisi perlengkapan bayi

- Mampu menahan beban anak hingga 30kg , Jika dipakai hanya hipseat saja dapat

menahan hingga 10kg

- Ukuran pinggang : 63 - 106cm

- Dapat dipakai dari 0M - 36M / Max 30kg :

1. Newborn : Sling & Carrier tanpa hipseat

2. 3bulan - 36 bulan : Sling , Carrier tanpa hipseat , Carrier dengan hipseat

- bantalan yang di rancang mengendong dengan M-Shape

Packing : Opp Bag + Box


100% Polyester & Cotton

Pilihan Warna:

Lollipop Pink, Lollipop Blue , Light Gray

Cara Perawatan & Pencucian:

1. Bersihkan kotoran dengan handuk basah, lebih disarankan Handwash

2. Keluarkan cushion seat sebelum dicuci

3. Pencucian dipisahkan dengan pakaian yang mudah luntur

4. Jangan gunakan pemutih

5. Dijemur ditempat yang teduh

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.990.000Rp 3.990.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)


Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Rp 3.999.000
Rp 3.499.000Rp 3.499.000

Ergobaby OMNI Breeze Baby Carrier Original

#1 In Airflow
Designed with mesh covering most of the carrier for maximum breathability

SoftFlex™ Mesh
Unique diamond shape mesh where outer ridge opens air pocket and inner micro- mesh allows easy air flow with a comfortable feel

Vented Waistbelt & Lumbar Support
For airflow where it matters most

Carry Positions:
-Front Facing In
-Front Facing Out
-Hip Carry
-Back Carry

Product Details:
-From Newborn - 20kg
-Machine Washable
-Breastfeed In Carrier
-Waistbelt range: 17.8 in - 57 in

100% Polyester

-International Hip Dysplasia Institute
-AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken)

Rp 2.999.000
Rp 2.399.000Rp 2.399.000

For all the busy little ones who love to get up and back down, the Alta Hip Seat Baby Carrier gives you a hands-free carry and an assisted one-hand hold, all in one carrier. With a quick up and down option, you can keep up with your kiddo (4-48 months) without compromising your own comfort. Improved airflow, a quieter waistband, and an ergonomic seat delivers on the world class Ergobaby quality and comfort for both caregivers and children.


All over, SoftFlex ™Mesh for #1 Airflow in Hip Seats
Easy to use, buckle waistband. Allows for:
Quick to put on and take off
Quieter to remove (no more Velcro!)
Reflective accents for safety
Anti slip material to prevent baby from sliding
Larger pocket for phone and other essentials

Multiple carry positions for babies weighing 5.5 20.4kg
Wide, curved, cushioned hip seat base
One carrier fits parents, grandparents, and other child caregivers

Rp 2.999.000
Rp 2.399.000Rp 2.399.000

For all the busy little ones who love to get up and back down, the Alta Hip Seat Baby Carrier gives you a hands-free carry and an assisted one-hand hold, all in one carrier. With a quick up and down option, you can keep up with your kiddo (4-48 months) without compromising your own comfort. Improved airflow, a quieter waistband, and an ergonomic seat delivers on the world class Ergobaby quality and comfort for both caregivers and children.


All over, SoftFlex ™Mesh for #1 Airflow in Hip Seats
Easy to use, buckle waistband. Allows for:
Quick to put on and take off
Quieter to remove (no more Velcro!)
Reflective accents for safety
Anti slip material to prevent baby from sliding
Larger pocket for phone and other essentials

Multiple carry positions for babies weighing 5.5 20.4kg
Wide, curved, cushioned hip seat base
One carrier fits parents, grandparents, and other child caregivers

Soft, cool, and super cozy, this lightweight carrier is the sweetest way to stay connected from the start.

No complicated wrapping or tying involved, the Embrace keeps you and your baby close as you find your new rhythm together.

Cozy & Breathable - Aerated Pin Dot Knit with Soft Air Mesh on the shoulders and back panel for maximum breathability and comfort. Soft Air Mesh and vented back panels offer targeted breathability where it matters.
Cool & Dry - Wicking fabric pulls sweat away from you and your baby and dries quickly, keeping you both comfy, cool, and dry.
Simple - Easy buckling without the frustration of wrapping or excess fabric.
Comfortable - Supportive waist belt and stretchable cross straps.
Compact - Easily rolls and tucks into a diaper bag

Rp 699.000
Rp 599.000Rp 599.000

NEW! The Minimonkey MINI Sling
New Mini Sling fro Mini Monkey
Compact and Light, Meski ini sangat kompak dan ringan, bobotnya hanya 175gr.
New Mini Sling sangat awet, sangat nyaman.
Jika mom and dad sudah memiliki gendongan (I-Angel, Babyborn atau Ergobaby) dan ingin memiliki gendongan yang cepat cara menggunakannya, kecil and ringan.
New Mini Sling memilki saku kecil dibagian bahu. Kantong kecil ini digunakan untuk melipat produk menjadi itself.
Lower Price!
Bisa digunakan newborn- hingga maksimal 15kg.
Easy to use..
Safety, keamanan New Mini Sling sangat baik dan terintegrasi di kedua sisi selempang (jadi tidak perlu menggunakan gesper untuk memasang konstruksi keselamatan.
Simple Sling ever....
extremely light & compact
safe .

Rp 1.099.000Rp 1.099.000
Rp 899.000Rp 899.000
Rp 500.000
Rp 400.000Rp 400.000
Rp 3.440.000Rp 3.440.000
I-Angel MIRACLE All-in-one Hipseat Carrier adalah produk terbaru dan terkini model tahun 2017 dari I-Angel dan memiliki 2 fungsi yaitu sebagai hip-seat dan baby wrapper. I-Angel adalah gendongan bayi dengan model Hip Seat pertama di dunia. Si kecil dapat digendong di bagian depan dengan menghadap ke dalam atau keluar maupun dibagian belakang tanpa risiko sakit atau posisi yang salah. Orang tua pun dapat menggendong tanpa berat berlebih pada satu titik yang mengakibatkan sakit badan.

I-Angel MIRACLE All-in-one Hipseat Carrier merupakan model limited edition untuk di Indonesia.


- Gendongan hip seat premium dari Korea

- Organic spit cloth

- Nontoxic EPP foram

- Terdapat kantong tambahan dibagian samping

- Size ukuran pinggang untuk orang tua: 65-115 cm

- Maksimum berat bayi 20 kg

- Dapat digunakan dari usia bayi 4-36 bulan


- 2016 Korea Brand Preference Award

- 2016 Australian Mother & Baby Magazine Award

- 2015 The Dads Awards from the UK: Gold winner for the most innovative product

- 2015 The Dads Awards from the UK: Silver winner for the best baby carrier

- Japan SG mark

Rp 3.440.000Rp 3.440.000
I-Angel MIRACLE All-in-one Hipseat Carrier adalah produk terbaru dan terkini model tahun 2017 dari I-Angel dan memiliki 2 fungsi yaitu sebagai hip-seat dan baby wrapper. I-Angel adalah gendongan bayi dengan model Hip Seat pertama di dunia. Si kecil dapat digendong di bagian depan dengan menghadap ke dalam atau keluar maupun dibagian belakang tanpa risiko sakit atau posisi yang salah. Orang tua pun dapat menggendong tanpa berat berlebih pada satu titik yang mengakibatkan sakit badan.

I-Angel MIRACLE All-in-one Hipseat Carrier merupakan model limited edition untuk di Indonesia.


- Gendongan hip seat premium dari Korea

- Organic spit cloth

- Nontoxic EPP foram

- Terdapat kantong tambahan dibagian samping

- Size ukuran pinggang untuk orang tua: 65-115 cm

- Maksimum berat bayi 20 kg

- Dapat digunakan dari usia bayi 4-36 bulan


- 2016 Korea Brand Preference Award

- 2016 Australian Mother & Baby Magazine Award

- 2015 The Dads Awards from the UK: Gold winner for the most innovative product

- 2015 The Dads Awards from the UK: Silver winner for the best baby carrier

- Japan SG mark

Newborn, 0+

Perfect fit from newborn. Superior comfort for you!

Ergonomic waist belt and flexible carrying provide superior comfort

The entirely new and unique design with a generously padded adjustable waist belt, comfortable back support and wide shoulder straps allow flexible carrying in a variety of ways. Easy adjustments, made from the front, transfer baby’s weight between your waist, hips and shoulders as needed. The baby carrier is easily adjusted for that perfect fit.

Durable fabric in stylish design! Durable quality - Soft Cotton Mix is a durable cotton and polyester blend providing soft, strong quality.

Wide, comfortable shoulder straps. Vary pressure points between shoulders and waist/hips for maximum carrying comfort.
Waist belt and flexible carrying for superior comfort: New, adjustable design with an ergonomic waist belt allows flexible carrying in a variety of ways.
Fits baby perfectly – from newborn up to 15 months: Developed in collaboration with pediatricians to fit your baby perfectly. No extra insert needed.
Extra soft and durable fabric: Made from a soft, durable cotton mix. Non-chafing seams.
Ergonomic waist belt and flexible carrying provide superior comfort: he entirely new and unique design with a generously padded adjustable waist belt, comfortable back support and wide shoulder straps allow flexible carrying in a variety of ways. Easy adjustments, made from the front, transfer baby’s weight between your waist, hips and shoulders as needed. The baby carrier is easily adjusted for that perfect fit.
No insert needed!

Safe and simple to use with all adjustments made from the front.

Extended usage

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle’s adjustable design allows the baby carrier to grow with baby – from newborn right through to approximately 15 months. Our user tests show that children, once they start to walk by themselves, no longer prefer being carried in a baby carrier. When a child is around 15 months old, he or she is eager to discover the world for themselves.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle is designed to fit your newborn perfectly from day one, without the need for an extra insert, inset or pillow. You carry your newborn close to your heart - high up on your chest and facing you - providing that essential closeness while at the same time allowing you supervision of baby's breathing. The baby carrier is developed in cooperation with pediatricians and is anatomically adjustable to fit your growing child. This means that baby's head, neck and back are properly supported at the same time as baby's legs and hips are kept in the correct position - right from day one.

The head support plays a vital role in providing support for the newborn baby’s neck. It is adjustable and can be folded down once the child can hold his or her head up (around four months) and carried facing forwards.

Carrying your child facing you, in an upright position, permits the free passage of air. Eye contact can be maintained and allows supervison of baby’s breathing.

We collaborate with pediatricians. Because important issues call for real answers, our close cooperation with leading pediatricians has served as a guiding light right from the start in 1961.
The Baby Björn Carrier Active lets you comfortably carry your baby while leaving your hands free. Its ergonomic design lets you hold the baby in the right position.

Features and Benefits for Baby Bjorn Active Baby Carrier - Black/Silver Cotton

Enhanced back support provides stability and comfort for wearer’s lower back
Perfect fit from newborn, adjusts to growing baby
Developed with paediatricians for proper support for baby’s head, back and hips
2-way front carrying – baby facing inwards and outwards
Free from harmful substances, Öko-Tex class 1 for babies certified
Rp 1.599.000Rp 1.599.000
BabyBjörn Original baby carrier is one of the most famous baby carrier in the world. All the baby carrier of this brand are based on this model reference. It was designed to carry baby heart-to-heart to provide such important optimal closeness between baby and parent from birth.
It has been designed in cooperation with pediatricians for using it from birth without using any adapter or additional cushion.
Age: From birth up to 11Kg.

- Easy tu use : Fits parents perfectly and securely with only a few adjustments.
- Provides very important closeness for your baby. Physical closeness and eye contact create an important emotional bond between you and your baby.
- Perfect for your newborn baby because it has been specially developed to give the proper support for the baby’s head, neck, spine and hips.
- Proper head and neck support with its adjustable and hard-wearing headrest.
- Vertical position liberates the baby's airways so that you can control his or her breathing.
- He or she is free to move his or her arms and foot that helps him or her develop his or her muscles, motricity and coordination.
- It is a small and easy-to-use baby carrier that is a perfect fit for your newborn baby. It fits parents securely and comfortably with only a few adjustments. It is easy for you to put on and take off by yourself.
- The smart safety click lets you know you’ve done it right. Thanks to the colored buckles and the smart safety click, it’s not possible to fasten the baby carrier incorrectly.
- The two-part design allows you to lift your sleeping baby out without waking them. Just unfasten both side latches to open the front completely.
- When he or she is 4 or 6 months, when his or her neck and back muscles have grown strong enough to support himself or herself his or her head, you can carry your child facing forwards (during short periods of time). Most of the babies really enjoy meeting the world around in secure contact with one’s back resting safely against mum or dad’s chest. It is a secure way to discover both wolds at the same time.
- Fabrics: 100% cotton machine washable at 40°C.

38,10cm x 7,62cm x 27,94cm.

Newborn, 0+

Perfect fit from newborn. Superior comfort for you!

Ergonomic waist belt and flexible carrying provide superior comfort

The entirely new and unique design with a generously padded adjustable waist belt, comfortable back support and wide shoulder straps allow flexible carrying in a variety of ways. Easy adjustments, made from the front, transfer baby’s weight between your waist, hips and shoulders as needed. The baby carrier is easily adjusted for that perfect fit.

Durable fabric in stylish design! Durable quality - Soft Cotton Mix is a durable cotton and polyester blend providing soft, strong quality.

Wide, comfortable shoulder straps. Vary pressure points between shoulders and waist/hips for maximum carrying comfort.
Waist belt and flexible carrying for superior comfort: New, adjustable design with an ergonomic waist belt allows flexible carrying in a variety of ways.
Fits baby perfectly – from newborn up to 15 months: Developed in collaboration with pediatricians to fit your baby perfectly. No extra insert needed.
Extra soft and durable fabric: Made from a soft, durable cotton mix. Non-chafing seams.
Ergonomic waist belt and flexible carrying provide superior comfort: he entirely new and unique design with a generously padded adjustable waist belt, comfortable back support and wide shoulder straps allow flexible carrying in a variety of ways. Easy adjustments, made from the front, transfer baby’s weight between your waist, hips and shoulders as needed. The baby carrier is easily adjusted for that perfect fit.
No insert needed!

Safe and simple to use with all adjustments made from the front.

Extended usage

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle’s adjustable design allows the baby carrier to grow with baby – from newborn right through to approximately 15 months. Our user tests show that children, once they start to walk by themselves, no longer prefer being carried in a baby carrier. When a child is around 15 months old, he or she is eager to discover the world for themselves.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle is designed to fit your newborn perfectly from day one, without the need for an extra insert, inset or pillow. You carry your newborn close to your heart - high up on your chest and facing you - providing that essential closeness while at the same time allowing you supervision of baby's breathing. The baby carrier is developed in cooperation with pediatricians and is anatomically adjustable to fit your growing child. This means that baby's head, neck and back are properly supported at the same time as baby's legs and hips are kept in the correct position - right from day one.

The head support plays a vital role in providing support for the newborn baby’s neck. It is adjustable and can be folded down once the child can hold his or her head up (around four months) and carried facing forwards.

Carrying your child facing you, in an upright position, permits the free passage of air. Eye contact can be maintained and allows supervison of baby’s breathing.

We collaborate with pediatricians. Because important issues call for real answers, our close cooperation with leading pediatricians has served as a guiding light right from the start in 1961.
Newborn, 0+

Perfect fit from newborn. Superior comfort for you!

Ergonomic waist belt and flexible carrying provide superior comfort

The entirely new and unique design with a generously padded adjustable waist belt, comfortable back support and wide shoulder straps allow flexible carrying in a variety of ways. Easy adjustments, made from the front, transfer baby’s weight between your waist, hips and shoulders as needed. The baby carrier is easily adjusted for that perfect fit.

Durable fabric in stylish design! Durable quality - Soft Cotton Mix is a durable cotton and polyester blend providing soft, strong quality.

Wide, comfortable shoulder straps. Vary pressure points between shoulders and waist/hips for maximum carrying comfort.
Waist belt and flexible carrying for superior comfort: New, adjustable design with an ergonomic waist belt allows flexible carrying in a variety of ways.
Fits baby perfectly – from newborn up to 15 months: Developed in collaboration with pediatricians to fit your baby perfectly. No extra insert needed.
Extra soft and durable fabric: Made from a soft, durable cotton mix. Non-chafing seams.
Ergonomic waist belt and flexible carrying provide superior comfort: he entirely new and unique design with a generously padded adjustable waist belt, comfortable back support and wide shoulder straps allow flexible carrying in a variety of ways. Easy adjustments, made from the front, transfer baby’s weight between your waist, hips and shoulders as needed. The baby carrier is easily adjusted for that perfect fit.
No insert needed!

Safe and simple to use with all adjustments made from the front.

Extended usage

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle’s adjustable design allows the baby carrier to grow with baby – from newborn right through to approximately 15 months. Our user tests show that children, once they start to walk by themselves, no longer prefer being carried in a baby carrier. When a child is around 15 months old, he or she is eager to discover the world for themselves.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Miracle is designed to fit your newborn perfectly from day one, without the need for an extra insert, inset or pillow. You carry your newborn close to your heart - high up on your chest and facing you - providing that essential closeness while at the same time allowing you supervision of baby's breathing. The baby carrier is developed in cooperation with pediatricians and is anatomically adjustable to fit your growing child. This means that baby's head, neck and back are properly supported at the same time as baby's legs and hips are kept in the correct position - right from day one.

The head support plays a vital role in providing support for the newborn baby’s neck. It is adjustable and can be folded down once the child can hold his or her head up (around four months) and carried facing forwards.

Carrying your child facing you, in an upright position, permits the free passage of air. Eye contact can be maintained and allows supervison of baby’s breathing.

We collaborate with pediatricians. Because important issues call for real answers, our close cooperation with leading pediatricians has served as a guiding light right from the start in 1961.
Rp 3.699.000
Rp 2.699.000Rp 2.699.000
Brought to you by the brand you love and trust, Ergobaby’s new Four Position 360 Carrier offers you the ultimate in flexibility of wearing your baby in the ergonomically supported front -inward, back, hip and now front-outward carry positions.

The Ergobaby Four Position 360 Carrier’s innovative design features a structured bucket seat to support your baby in an ergonomic seated position and for recommended hip and spine positioning. The revolutionary carrier seat is designed with buttons for an adjustable width that grows with your baby to ensure comfort and ideal hip positioning in all four carry

The carrier features an adjustable back panel to provide added height and neck support for your baby with a stowable hood to support baby’s head while sleeping, protect baby from sun and offer mom privacy while nursing. The Four Position 360 Carrier also features a newly designed waistband that easily and securely fastens with velcro and can be worn high or low on the waist for wearer comfort and provides extra support for the low back. The Ergobaby Four Position 360 Carrier is the only carrier you’ll ever need.


Four Carry positions: Front-inward, Front-outward, Hip and Back
Adjustable padded shoulder straps
Adjustable hood to support baby’s head while sleeping, protect baby from sun and offer mom privacy while nursing
Adjustable seat width and back panel grows with your baby
Structured bucket seat to support your baby in an ergonomic seated position
Adjustable velcro waistband (26-55in & 66-140cm) that can be worn high or low to maximize comfort, especially in the event of a C-section, and provide low-back support
100% Cotton Canvas shell and 100% Cotton Poplin lining
Machine washable